
★ NEXSOUND / Nole Plastique / Bluermutt / Andrey Kiritchenko / アンドレイ キリチェンコ / エクスペリメンタル / 実験音楽 / サウンドスケープ / フリーフォーク / エレクトロニカ / ミニマル / IDM

ウクライナ発のエクスペリメンタル*レーベル:NEXSOUND よりご紹介!

Nole Plastique / Escaperhead / (CD)
ロシアの "ロマンティック*ノイズ"(笑) デュオ:Nole Plastique が1stフルアルバムをリリース!この"ロマンティック*ノイズ"なるものを聴いてみますと、実際、"ロマンティック"で"ノイズ"なんですよね、コレが!!!(笑) シューゲイズ的にメロウサイケデリックな歌声と、全体を覆うボンヤリ滲むようなサウンドに時折キラめくようなサウンドのレイヤーが幾重にも重なり合う、、、まさに、美!美ューティフル!"ちゃんと聴ける歌モノ"ですので、フリーフォーク/ソフト*サイケUSインディー周辺などお好きな皆様にもゼヒ聴いて頂きたい作品です!ジャケットのアートワークもかなりイイ感じでゴザイマス!ウクライナ発のエクスペリメンタル*レーベルNexsound からのナイスリリース!

After having a succesful net-release by Russian band Nole Plastique "Sourire En Souriant [ns48]" and a great performance on Detali Zvuku festival in Kyiv / 2007, Nexsound is very happy to release their first full lenght CD called "Escaperhead". Nole Plastique was initially the project of Roman Kutnov, who lives in Kazan (Russia) and now it's Aleksei Belousov who joined the project in 2007. During the last few years since 2004, Nole Plastique has produced several releases that one could call "romantic noise". Nevertheless at the moment Nole Plastique is strongly attracted by songs and rather acoustic sound. Their music revealed softness of musical forms in an endless sound flow along the lines of the contemporary forms of psychedelic folk music.
[ 2008 / NEXSOUND]

Bluermutt / Decivilize After Consumption / (CD)
ウクライナ発のエクスペリメンタル*レーベルNexsound より、Bluermutt の1stアルバムがリリース!トラック毎に異なるヴォーカルを迎え、ギター/フルート/シンセをフィーチャー。エレクトロニックなサウンドと大胆なカットアップ的手法にて構築されたサウンドが、"ポップで尖ったヒップホップな感じ?!"になったと云う実験結果にドキッ!ノーウェイヴのような冷めた心地良さが◎

After having a successful net-release "When I'm Not" on Nexsound, Bluermutt continues to move in the direction of melodic collages and groovy compositions. With vocals by Fredo Viola, Steph Thirion and Linn Rasimelli he made a splendid record that incorporates such things as ease and availability of pop music but still is a fascinating listening. With this album Nexsound continues its new series of CDs / PQP (pickup) which are dedicated to more accessible music than Nexsound usually has a passion to release. PQP albums dwell on the edge where experimental and pop music meet together.
[ 2008 / NEXSOUND]

Andrey Kiritchenko / True Delusion / (CD)
これまでの作品とは一線を画す、アコースティック*ギターとピアノを中心に、フォーキーかつクラシカルな部分を全面に出した、体温を感じさせるミニマル* エクスペリメンタルフリーフォークな作品!アンドレイ キリチェンコ のハイレベルなセンスとヒキダシの多さを再確認!

Ten months passed between conceiving the idea and the beginning of experiments with minimalist harmonic overtones made with acoustic guitar in the beginning of 2004 and the end of work on True Delusion album in late 2004. The first six of them were the months of thinking and contemplation, traveling and trial recording of instruments in habitable rooms and kitchens, recording and auditing of rural nature sounds by night and by day. The very idea was simple at first. I meant to play the guitar experimenting with minimalist harmonic overtones. Meanwhile I tried to take deep rhythmic breaths timed with guitar sounds. The result was almost meditative, as the guitar buzzing sound was slowly fading out and the body felt close to hyperventilated. However, in view of my desire to further progress with composition, I decided to go beyond repetition and minimalism. Later the album progressed in terms of the similar use of the piano. It was not exactly harmonic overtones, but the sound was slow, melodic and minimalist, so the album can be conventionally divided into two parts.
[ 2005 / NEXSOUND]