
★ NEXSOUND / Bip Hop / Andrey Kiritchenko / アンドレイキリチェンコ / エクスペリメンタル / 実験音楽 / サウンドスケープ / フリーフォーク / エレクトロニカ / ミニマル / IDM

ウクライナ発のエクスペリメンタル*レーベル:NEXSOUND よりご紹介!

Andrey Kiritchenko / Kniga Skazok / (CD)
ウクライナの皇帝(笑 アンドレイ キリチェンコ のド名盤1stアルバム!グリッチコアとも称されますが、目を閉じれば涼風を感じるエレクトロアコースティック!必聴ッ!

Fairytales and electronic music. What if you were to give back a soul and a smile to this sound you listen to? What if you closed your eyes and imagined what your favorite children stories were to sound like? The pretty princess and the big bad wolf have jumped out of their pages and become little themes and sound waves. They step gently and softly to your ears, enacting their relentless quests and fights as subtle melodies and rhythms. "Kniga Skazok": the book of fairytales turned into music.
Fresh from his collaboration with Andreas Berthling and Kim Cascone, Andrey Kiritchenko presents here his first and longest work to date under his own name. Letting behind the most obscure experimentations and atmospheric works he releases as Nihil Est Excellence and Sidharta, he goes back here to more gentle and subtle arrangements, seductive structures and precise compositions.
On the foundation of a modern and abstract genre, Andrey Kiritchenko paints beautiful and naive stories perfectly fitting his clicks and tones. An album to be listened to with your eyes closed, a bedtime story for your ears.

Andrey Kiritchenko / Interplays, in between / (CD)
クリックグリッチノイズと歌ゴコロ。それに生活の音。ウクライナから届けられる穏やかな電子音風景。それは、アンドレイ キリチェンコ の日常。名盤2ndアルバム!

If "Kniga Skazok" was Andrey Kiritchenko's interpretation of traditional fairy tales, "Interplays, in between" presents the bridge between the two sonic fields dear to this artist. On the one hand, this album features the precise clicks, sharp glitch and touching melodies that can be found on his earlier recording, and, on the other hand, we hear here the very subtle use of field recordings, distorted voices and unusual use of strings instruments which have been witnessed by this musician's live audience.
Subtility and emotion are the key words of "Interplays, in between". Andrey Kiritchenko demonstrates here how electronic and acoustic music can meet and mix without loosing their particularities. Emotional music without easy pop kitschness, gritty frequencies made human.
Andrey Kiritchenko shows with "Interplays, in between" how emotional, though original, his music is and present 10 charming tracks of frequencies, beats & bits that confirm his status of confirmed value of nowadays' electronic composer.

V.A. / Bip-Hop Generation Vol. 9 / (CD)
フランスエクスペリメンタル*レーベル:Bip-Hopコンピレーション!首領:Andrey Kiritchenko (ウクライナ) をはじめ、Kammerflimmer Kollektief (ドイツ) / Spaceheads (イギリス) / Illachime Quartet (イタリア) / Adrian Klumpes (オーストラリア) そして、Hauschka (ドイツ) & Antenna Farm (イギリス) のコラボ など、静寂に包まれる作品

a series of International compilations gathering people creating music, sounds, based on machines, mix... Creative Electronica, experimental I.D.M.